My Ghost

yellow and blue and maybe a little green

should I make mac n cheese?

10:18 on the clock says no


everything is gray

and now it’s 10:22

and I haven’t thought of a single thing to say

what’s left to say anyway

the boy next-door is saying it all to the girl who lives there

and I don’t know her name

and I don’t know anything, really

not even whether or not to go make mac n cheese

and it’s still 10:22

and I’ve already said enough

I always know when I’ve said enough

by the sheer fact that I’ve said nothing at all

“these days I can’t seem to get along with anyone”

“will it be alright?”

so I’ll sit here and think about nothing

until the mac n cheese has gone stale in the drawer

10:26 and this is worthless, pale poetry

if you can even call it that


so I’ll put my shoes on and go make the mac n cheese

and think about what I’ll wear tomorrow

which is still as useless as thinking about nothing

but at least it’ll pass for sanity

and it’s 10:29



Woah remember my blog?

Because I almost forgot. Oops.

But I have valid reasons ok-

Since my last post I have

1 taken several AP exams

2 graduated high school

3 attended approximately 400 grad parties

4 attended Hangout Fest (Brendon Urie simultaneously killed me and saved my life)

5 not seen most of my “friends” from high school since graduation (remember when I said that sometimes you’re only friends with people because you see them five days out of the week? Yeah.)

6 gotten the results to several AP exams

7 had my very last Azalea Trail appearance

8 started and quit a job (I had to quit because I moved away. And also because my boss was horrible at making our schedules.)

9 went to a Twenty One Pilots concert

10 said goodbye to all my closest friends as we all parted ways (literally we’re all living in different cities now. All 9 of us.)

11 tried to explain to my cat and dog why I wasn’t going to see them every day anymore (real tears people)

12 moved two hours away to a different state

13 became roommates with a complete stranger

14 ordered Insomnia Cookies twice (have you heard of these? They are truly a Godsend. Although meeting they guy out in the parking garage late at night feels a lot like how I imagine a drug deal feels.)

15 attended three weeks of college classes

16 ?????

17 that’s basically it I guess

18 Saturday I’ll be attending my first ever college football game! (@dad what’s good)

19 I have a math quiz in the morning???? eh :/

20 Anyway

Heavy, right? Anyway I hope y’all forgive me for my absence. Hopefully I’ll be posting more often. I already have a few things in mind. *wink wink*